How to Cite Corpora?

Have you used our data in your paper? Great! Please don’t forget to properly cite us 😊

Are you currently working on a project aimed at total or partial analysis of our data? We would love to add it to our site!

When using any version of the Chroma corpus, please cite the following study:

Chromá, A., Sláma, J., Matiasovitsová, K., & Treichelová, J. (2024). A morphologically annotated longitudinal corpus of spoken Czech child-adult interactions. Language Resources and Evaluation.

For each specific version, please also use the link to the corresponding database:

Chroma in CHILDES (corpora in CHILDES are not versioned and the new version always overwrites the old one, currently it is version 2023.07)

Chromá, A., Sláma, J., Matiasovitsová, K., & Treichelová, J. (2023). Chromá Czech Corpus. CHILDES [].

Chroma 2023.04

Chromá, A., Matiasovitsová, K., Sláma, J., & Treichelová, J. (2023). CoCzeFLA Chroma 2023.04. LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.

Chroma 2022.07

Chromá, A. & Matiasovitsová, K. (2022). CoCzeFLA Chroma 2022.07. LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University